Microsoft Excel 2010 – Conditional Formatting

If you follow the stock market like I do, you may notice that Google Finance has a neat way of showing trends.  It puts the stocks that gained in value in green, and the stocks that lost in value in red.  This is a very helpful way to display data to show trends.

Conditional Formatting is an Excel tool that allows you to create this kind of effect.  Conditional Formatting is not new to Excel 2010;  it has been around since Excel 2003.  This is an incredibly helpful tool, but one that can easily be overlooked by a novice.   Today, I am going to show you how to put conditional formatting into practice!

On the Home tab, there is a section for Styles, and in that section, there is an entry for Conditional Formatting.  There are a great deal of options in here:  Highlight Cell Rules, Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales, Icon Sets.

Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting

Today, I am going to discuss Highligted Cell Rules.  Select the cells you wish to apply conditional formatting to.  First, click on Highlight Cell Rules > Greater than.  Format cells that are greater than ‘0’ with a green font. Next, click on Highlight Cell Rules > Less than.  Format cells that are less than ‘0’ with a red font.

That is all there is to it.  There is a lot more than you can do with Conditional Formatting so feel free to experiment with the tool.


Rob's Stock Portfolio

One thought on “Microsoft Excel 2010 – Conditional Formatting

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